New Yorkers got a quick taste of the tremors today! Another quake, I'm ready!
10 Apps to keep you in the EQ addition to the predominate social media sites that bloggers dive to for safety. --LOL! I know I jumped right onto Twitter & Facebook, during the quake, to send out Social Media Alerts,"OMG! EARTHQUAKE! My building is shaking and the dogs are going insane!" would think covering for shelter or turning on the news would be a first instinct!
Nope! In this day in age, social media is far more of an influential tool in alerting the public on all matters, even natural disasters...I mean think about it, what has a more powerful chain-reaction: calling one person ("phone-tree"), watching tv (that is if you're not at work), listening to the radio (if you even own a car), or getting a push notification from your technologically enhanced social media powers (whether it be a FB alert on your computer or smartphone from a friend or family member, alerting EVERYONE of big news ..::Like I did::..)?
I think it is safe to say technological advancements are the way to go...send out those Social Media Alerts, download smartphone Apps that send you live feed alerts or alarm you when earthquake vibrations are detected...and get ready for the new government emergency text alert system that will be coming to a mobile phone near you ..::2012::..(
Alcatel-Lucent's Broadcast Message Center sends out
emergency text alerts based on your phones location). Embrace
The Age of Technology!
1.) QuakeFeed-$FREE
Quake Locations and Magnitude, plus social sharing |
Earthquake Notifications from "" |
3.) Earthquake Lite-$FREE
Live EQ data from all International data sites (USGS, EMSC, GeoNet...etc.) |