Were You Invited to the Google+ Party?

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Google+ --FREE-- Google, God of Internet Innovations, is at it again! If you don't already know what G+ is, you might have seen their red, blue, green, yellow +1 boxes all over Google's search engines. Many sites offer the +1 option to share something you liked.

This app is still a work in progress on features, but I know Google will deliver a superb product and brilliant social media site in the months to come. Google+ offers New features like your circles, huddles and multi-person video chat (vid chat is not offered on mobile devices, as of yet I hope)...etc. Did I mention users are 18 and older! --Leave all the kids at home! This is an adult social media playground.

Huddles, Stream updates, Circles and users are 18 and older!

----Today when I signed onto #Facebook, I found some interesting new changes to its privacy features. These new features happen to look very similar to #Google+ 's current features. I find this especially interesting because I've mentioned before that FB's CEO has purposely joined G+ to poach G+'s features that FB was lacking...Or do you smell a merger in hopes to rebrand the face of FB...especially after having its image negatively smeared across the big screen of Hollywood for poaching the FB concept??!! PR move...could be!

To a public consumer, if FB has the same features as G+ then why leave FB for G+....right?

 --Wrong! Social media movements have previously shown that having an "exclusivity" beginning, to a new up incoming social media site, gets a media trender to trend the word easily! Exclusivity to a media venture hooks in a consumer's needs and creates consumer demand (ex: someone getting tickets to an exclusive event, invite only...people want it and love it...and more will demand it and want it).

Remember MySpace?--During their social media movement, FaceBook offered the same "exclusivity": first to their fellow college students, then to their neighboring college students, then all college students, then to any person, a famed pet and now to any business with a side of ads!

Social media trends are exactly what they are said to be, trends! Trends, as fashion & technology has proven over many decades, it comes and goes because consumers are and always will be demanding NEW trends. To a business or social media site, being able to predict, start and/or keep up with these trends determines its potential future in this trending game. --Which is why it is safe to say, "MySpace who?" and "Oh I remember having FaceBook", because like it or not, consumers will demand NEW and Google+ will deliver it wrapped in a bow!

--This party is invite only and why wouldn't you want to party with Google?? I am!

What about Twitter you say? --Well they fall into a whole different social media movement. A Twitter profile is far from the vibe of a FaceBook, Myspace, or Google+ profile. Twitter profiles are not your personal scrapbooks of memories and pictures; it is more like an interactive magazine personalized to only the things you like to read about, talk about and RT about.

Don't fret Twitter fans, you're a whole other breed of social media, like FourSquare, consider it safe for now!

Rated: GooGLe ROX!

The Day After Tomorrow...Irene visits NYC!

Oh NYC, mother earth is laying one on you this year!

---First there was a white-out snow storm in February, tornados surprising Brooklyners, monsoon rainfalls pounding us last week, then an unexpected earthquake on Tuesday, and now Hurricane Irene!

The day after tomorrow, Irene, will be slowly visiting New York City and hopefully she will come in below PMS level 1 (category 1)...but outlook not so good!

So what is a New Yorker going to do for this grand event??? ---get the hell out of nyc lol

But in all seriousness, get prepared for it....maybe have friends over for a "HI" party (Hurricane Irene) and plan things to do indoors (games, crafts, drinks, books, movies..etc)!

Last hurricane to rip through NYC managed to bring in 14 feet of hide tide waters and power outages across the city.

So here are some "HI" tips to be prepared:

1.) Get food & safety supplies--water (1 gallon per/person), flashlight, batteries, pet food & supplies if you have a pet, first-aide kit and food (canned and dry)--remember electricity could go out so choose your food wisely and know that stores will most likely be closed during the hurricane

2.) Know your Evacuation Zones--If you're by water, depending on the area's sea level, it's a 10 block radius. Check out NYC's website for more info and to view the evacuation zones map. --Know that depending on the severity of the hurricane, the city may evacuate the areas marked on this map...so figure out a backup plan on where to go if your in the evac zones and are told to leave for safety
Evacuation Zones for NYC
3.) Stay in the Loop-- Get some apps that ROX in safety! Here are 6 weather apps:

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The Weather Channel--$FREE
This app has it all! There is also another version of this app that comes with more features called The Weather Channel Max, for $3.99

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iHurricane HD--$FREE This app is iphone and ipad compatiable. It offers alerts and push notifications.

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Hurricane Forecaster--$FREE This app shows the storm's current location and track area.

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Hurricane Tracker--$2.99 This app has alerts, push notifications, live social media feeds, audio updates and maps.

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NOAA Weather Radio--$3.99 This app has the works! Radio updates, maps, push notifications, alerts and social media sharing.

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iMap Weather Radio--$9.99 This app has radio updates, maps, alerts, push notifications, add several locations and videos.

4.) Make sure you charge all your electronics--(charge your computer to use as a backup charger for your cell phone---could have power outages

5.) If you live in an evacuation zone--make sure you pack a to-go bag, incase your area is evacuated...passport, money, some food, clothes, phone charger, pets, children and any other important items.

6.) Lastly--Make sure you have your Netflix DVDs sent to you by Saturday, buy a good bottle of wine or some watermelon cider beer, a cooler & ice, yummy munchies and some great company! --enjoy your, hopefully safe, hurricane experience...stay in-tune to your weather apps and have a fun "HI" Party!

Rated: ROX!

New York Vertigo or Maybe Just Tremor Envy!

New Yorkers got a quick taste of the tremors today! Another quake, I'm ready!

10 Apps to keep you in the EQ Loop...in addition to the predominate social media sites that bloggers dive to for safety.  --LOL! I know I jumped right onto Twitter & Facebook, during the quake, to send out Social Media Alerts,"OMG! EARTHQUAKE! My building is shaking and the dogs are going insane!"...you would think covering for shelter or turning on the news would be a first instinct!

Nope! In this day in age, social media is far more of an influential tool in alerting the public on all matters, even natural disasters...I mean think about it, what has a more powerful chain-reaction: calling one person ("phone-tree"), watching tv (that is if you're not at work), listening to the radio (if you even own a car), or getting a push notification from your technologically enhanced social media powers (whether it be a FB alert on your computer or smartphone from a friend or family member, alerting EVERYONE of big news ..::Like I did::..)?

I think it is safe to say technological advancements are the way to go...send out those Social Media Alerts, download smartphone Apps that send you live feed alerts or alarm you when earthquake vibrations are detected...and get ready for the new government emergency text alert system that will be coming to a mobile phone near you ..::2012::..(Alcatel-Lucent's Broadcast Message Center sends out emergency text alerts based on your phones location). Embrace The Age of Technology!

1.) QuakeFeed-$FREE

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Quake Locations and Magnitude, plus social sharing


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Earthquake Notifications from "earthquake.gov"
3.) Earthquake Lite-$FREE
Live EQ data from all International data sites (USGS, EMSC, GeoNet...etc.)

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Push notifications, Tsunami info,  real-time Twitter & Facebook intergration..etc

4.) QuakeViz-$FREE
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Earthquake push notification alert & sound...etc.

5.) QuakeZones-$FREE
     QuakeZones Pro-$.99
     QuakeZones Pro for iPad-$2.99

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Earthquake info and maps

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Earthquake info with push notifications

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Earthquake & tsunami info, videos, notifications...etc

6.) Earthquake Alarm-$.99

Earthquake Alarm based on detected abnormal vibration on your phone...etc 

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Earthquake & Tsunami info with social media sharing
7.) QuakeWatch-$.99

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8.) Earthquake Pro-$.99
Live natural disaster feeds, photos, maps and integration to USGS site
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9.) Earthquake Alarm-$.99
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USGS maps and info

10.) Real-Time Earthquake Updates-$1.99
Push notification alerts of earthquakes from various EQ networks (USGS..etc)
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Rated: ROX

Ureka! I Found It!

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Pictureka-- This app is an oldie but I still love it! It features, both, single and multi player mode. It comes at a small price of $.99, but well worth it. The point of the game is to find the objects listed throughout but before time runs out. For example, the game might list items like: 3 teeth, 7 hearts, 2 legs. It will even ask for your choice of items based on a demand: 3 things in space, 4 things to sit on, 1 cold thing...etc. --Pretty simple in concept...but fun to play! Especially when it's 7am, you're on the train headed to work and need your brain to kick-it into multi-task mode!
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Pictureka HD-- This iPad version has all the same features as the iphone version but with a few more added goodies! This experience comes at a HD cost of $4.99. --everything about this app ROX but the HD price not so much!...I only wish that already purchased iphone apps would qualify for a discounted price when purchasing the iPad HD version (consumer loyalty discount).

Rated: ROX Multi-Task Skills

Secret Life of a Ninja

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NinJump--This app kicks NinJump @ss! As a ninja, you are jumping side to side trying not to run into ninjas, rooftops, squirrels and birds. If you aim correctly and jump into 3 of the same objects as you go by, you can get power-ups (ex: jump into 3 squirrels, 3 ninja stars or even 3 birds).

There are two free versions, one for iPhone and one for iPad (HD). I shared this with several friends and they thought it was a kool game to play with even two people. --One-up each other's score! 

NinJump Deluxe (+HD)--This app is the same game but has no ads and sick new worlds! It's $.99 for the iPhone version and $1.99 for the iPad (HD) version.
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I definitely recommend downloading the free version first, it ROX!
Rated: ROX!