Take a Picture it Will Last Longer

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PixIr-O-Matic--This is a FREE app that I thought ROX in filter effects! You can sift through 22 filters, 30 texture-add filters, and 31 borders--surprisingly the borders aren't tacky or cheesy looking, very vintage

This app is iPhone and iPad compatiable, which ROX, and has the in-app feature to either save the image, post onto Facebook, or get an Imm.io link (which is a image sharing hosting site...so if you want a URL for your image, this will do it for ya). --bloggers, tech savvy peepers and web designers can save memory space by using these picture URLs for their HTML coding

Anyways, back to the app, it is very user friendly and implements serious photo-finesse for any on-the-go iPhoner!

Rated: ROX Photo-Finesse